My softcover version of the rules finally arrived.

My softcover version of the rules finally arrived. Better physical quality than I was expecting, to be honest. And now that I can read the content I can see some of what people have been talking about. 

Still reading, as I find it different enough to require a slower read to work out how some things hang together, but it is definitely interesting, and reminds me a lot of various rule sets that I read in the 80s and 90s. Many familiar concepts. Has a similar feel. Not the same as later and more modern rule sets, that is for sure. Best of all, it is more of a generic set of rules. Focussed on fantasy, yes, but it comes across as more of a toolkit for building a game and a setting in of your (and your players’) own creation - and inspires you to start doing so. So I’ve made some notes, but have too much other stuff on the go to do more than just make notes at the moment.
