I very rarely show work in progress, but I love this community and what you are doing for Whitehack.

I very rarely show work in progress, but I love this community and what you are doing for Whitehack. I want you to be the first to see this. Check out the proof prints that arrived the other day!

I expect to have Suldokar's Wake ready for an official announcement just before g+ closes down. It might seem like I'm completely off the grid till then, but in reality I'll be making some last adjustments, ordering another round of proof prints and setting up some web stuff. Though the new game will have its own website, there may be some very brief downtime for whitehackrpg.wordpress.com too.

I'm not going into detail about Suldokar's Wake at this point, except to say that it doesn't supplant, require or reprise Whitehack (which I will continue to support and keep available for sale). Though Suldokar's Wake is written from scratch and fundamentally different from Whitehack in a few aspects, my intention is that it should be fairly easy for anyone inclined to hack some or a lot of either game into the other.

Anyway, enjoy the pics and feel free to speculate!



  1. Oh my god I actually can’t wait for this! This is without a doubt a day one buy for sure. I love the new class titles “Sharp, Tough, and Smart”. I know you said you weren’t going into detail but are attunements / slots still a thing? Or is there something brand new here? So excited!

  2. Oh, that's exciting! Consider it sold! :)

  3. Aww, damn, science fantasy (turns wallet upside down and starts shaking)

  4. Okay FINE I will buy the hell out of that I guess :)

  5. Very, very exciting! Looking forward very much to reading this. :-)

  6. OSR Numenera?

    Sharp/Tough/Smart.... Jack/Glaive/Nano? Etc.

    Not complaining, mind! Always liked Numenera content, hated Cypher system.

  7. "This manual [...] is intended for all participants" = there's another manual not intended for everyone = there will be a campaign

  8. Olav is right -- this is just the first book :). Next in line is "Last Train" (working title).

  9. Christian Mehrstam So, the game will be on different books. Will it be the same setting in all of them?

  10. Alfredo Tercero Yes, that is the plan. I'll add instructions, tools and advise for how to relocate, hack and adapt stuff, but after this first book of rules, I'll be concentrating on solid adventures that form a campaign, create a game world and open up unique venues of character development.

  11. Aww, damn again (raids kid's piggy bank). Honey, where is your purse? What? No reason.....

  12. Christian Mehrstam I'm coming late to the party here... This is FANTASTIC!! Really looking forward to this. ...and with Roguelike maps!!!!

  13. Quick question - with the demise of G+, how do you plan on announcing the game's release date? Unfortunately, my devices I use for personal perusal don't like MeWe, so I m not on there. I assume your website at a minimum?

  14. Doug Kilmer I'll answer for Christian since time is limited...

    Christian said previously that he'll go where the community does. Right now that looks like Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/Whitehack/) although there is currently a Whitehack MeWe group too.
    reddit.com - r/Whitehack

  15. Yes, Brian is right. I'll come to where people seem to have settled once g+ closes down. I will make a webpage for Suldokar's Wake, notify this community and likely make a post or two at rpg.net and a swedish webforum. But the truth is that I suck at promotion. In the end it will all come down to whether people like Suldokar's Wake enough to recommend it on whichever platforms they use.

    Currently, I'm finishing a different layout and format of the game than the one in the above test prints. I'm still not sure which version I'll present on release.

  16. Signed up on Reddit. See everyone there

  17. Doug Kilmer and all. I'm testing a new Google Plus community export today. If all the content is there, I will begin importing it into r/Whitehack.

    Also, I've created r/SuldokarsWake (currently set to private) in anticipation of Christian Mehrstam's new game (so excited for this!). I hope you don't mind Christian.

  18. How do you import G+ communities into Reddit, Jacques van der Merwe?

  19. Eric Nieudan There isn't an import option. We are just moving ourselves.

  20. Eric Nieudan I'm using a tool called Google+ Exporter (link below). The official method via takeout.google.com is not great at all. Google+ Exporter is free depending on the amount of content you're attempting to export. I'm running though a first pass now.



  21. Eric Nieudan I'm using a tool called Google+ Exporter (link below). The official method via takeout.google.com is not great at all. Google+ Exporter is free depending on the amount of content you're attempting to export. I'm running though a first pass now.



  22. I'm currently writing a Python script that will parse the JSON export from the tool and recreate the posts in Reddit, along with the comments. It's not going to be perfect but at least we will have a history of the community on hand to explore.

    1. Would you mind sharing the Python script after it's complete?
      I am exporting some groups with the same tool, and am interested in you r python solution.

  23. I don't mind at all Jacques van der Merwe ! On the contrary, I think it is fantastic what you are doing! Thank you!

  24. Thanks, Jacques van der Merwe and Brian Ashford. Good to know that good people are doing good work =)

  25. Eric Nieudan Ha! I can assure you that I'm not doing any work!

  26. Looks fantastic. I am a great admirer of White Hack.


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