Noobie Question of the Day: Magic

Noobie Question of the Day: Magic

I'm trying to come up with some idea of the economy of HP cost for spells. I like the idea of benchmarking using the traditional spell list. But I'm hoping to have an existing framework to quickly make judgement calls.

I wouldn't share this with the players, it's just for my internal consistency when assigning HP costs.

1. Damage
I'm thinking for a baseline 1 HP cost for 1d6 ranged damage single target (no save) instant cast.

+1d6 damage = +1 step in HP cost.
area effect = +2 steps in HP cost.
Save for no damage = -2 steps
Save for 1/2 damage = -1 step
range-Touch = -1 step

2. Combat Effect
incapacitate (sleep, restrain, freeze, etc...)until target is attacked 2 HP cost single target (save negates) range=touch.

No save = +2 steps.
Ranged attack = 1 step
area effect = +2 steps.

3. Utility Power (Detect, Communicate, Hide)

1 HP cost for one creature for up to 1 turn.

Area effect/multiple targets = +1 step.
increase duration to 6 turns = +1 step.

4. Heal

1HP to heal 1d6 to one character or remove a condition. Takes 1 turn to cast. touch.

instant cast = +1 step.
+d6 heal = +1 step.
ranged = +1 step.
additional target = +1 step.

5. Movement

Doubles movement or 1.5 movement using mode that allows you to overcome obstacles (climb, float, fly) 1 HP for 1 turn to cast, lasts for 1 turn.

up to 3 more targets = +1 step.
duration 6 turns = +1 step.
instant cast = +1 step.

And then generally:
if it requires:
a component worth 50 gp (consumed on use) - 1step.
a component worth 500 gp (consumed on use) - 2 steps

Let me know what you think.
