I have a question regarding Saving Throws.

I have a question regarding Saving Throws.

Let's say you have a Deft first level character who has something like Acrobat as a vocation and has a high Dexterity score.

If the Acrobat wanted to walk across a tightrope, he'd use his Dex in order to do a skill test and get to roll two dice, correct? It is in line with the vocation and is a task that would use Dexterity.

Now lets say a trap door opens underneath the same character and the character must save in order to leap out of the way.

Despite being an Acrobat and despite having a high Dexterity score, we have to use the very low Saving Throw value in order to avoid falling into the pit, right?

This makes absolutely no sense to me.

Am I mistaking how the rules work?

I think it would make more sense for the character to have to use Dex and because the character is an Acrobat, two dice would be used for the roll, taking the better of the two results.
