In Whitehack, combat focused Deft characters get to roll with advantage when attacking, either for their attack roll...

In Whitehack, combat focused Deft characters get to roll with advantage when attacking, either for their attack roll or their damage roll, and provided it is in line with their vocation. This is great and I wouldn't want to change it at all as it gives a really good route to a specialist fighter with some cool tricks. But shouldn't non-combat focused Deft characters receive something similarly awesome?

I mean sure, if they aren't combat focused then they are going to be really good at something else by default but it's unlikely to be anything as critical as combat prowess and it almost certainly won't stack with other PC abilities in the way that a Deft Archer and a Strong Warrior and a Wise Shadow Tamer could all compliment each other in a life or death combat situation.

So I'm wondering what would be a good bonus for non-combat Deft?

A drop in base XP to 1200 (to match the B/X Thief)?
An additional Slot for an extra Attunement?
The ability to recharge one Attunement once per session (allowing them to make use of their attunements without worrying that they might need them more later)?
Allow them to swap out one Attunement for a Miracle for a little bit of multiclassing?

What do you think?
