Errin Larsen, the mothership is calling you.

Errin Larsen, the mothership is calling you.

Originally shared by Jacques van der Merwe

Greetings Whitehackers! I hope everyone is doing well, and for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere enjoying the beginning of Summer. :)

Time has been a scarce commodity lately, and in turn my gaming has suffered as is I'm sure with some of you has well. To try and remedy this I've been exploring Play-by-Post and it seems like it could be a good alternative.

I've looked into a few PbP services and the best I've found so far is Are any of you familiar with it, or have played in PbP games?

I'm going to be setting up a Whitehack / Yoon-Suin PbP on TavernKeeper soon, and if you are interested to participate please let me know. I already have one player, and will accept another 4 or so.

