Here's some of the magic items I wrote up for my random previous adventuring spoils table:
Originally shared by Brian Ashford
Here's some of the magic items I wrote up for my random previous adventuring spoils table:
Ring of Invisibility
The ring itself is invisible, don't drop it. Use a charge (or pay 1HP in Whitehack) to turn invisible. Unfortuneately while invisible light passes straight through your eyeballs making you blind.
Blade of Parrying
A magic sword which imparts +2AC. It was actually made as a training weapon and will try to avoid killing. Creatures reduced to 0HP by this weapon may save to remain on 1 HP.
Spear of Ice
d6+2 damage, Save each round or lose 1HP to the cold.
Chain mail of Agro 6AC
When given the choice, every opponent will choose to attack this character. When making NPC reaction checks, replace 'Unfriendly' results with 'Attacks'.
Unquenchable Lantern
This lantern burns continuously. When opening it's shutters there is a 1/6 chance that a 2HD Fire Sprite will emerge. If the lantern gets broken or if the 1/6 roll occurs on two consecutive uses, a 6HD pissed off Fire Elemental emerges from his small prison.
Here's some of the magic items I wrote up for my random previous adventuring spoils table:
Ring of Invisibility
The ring itself is invisible, don't drop it. Use a charge (or pay 1HP in Whitehack) to turn invisible. Unfortuneately while invisible light passes straight through your eyeballs making you blind.
Blade of Parrying
A magic sword which imparts +2AC. It was actually made as a training weapon and will try to avoid killing. Creatures reduced to 0HP by this weapon may save to remain on 1 HP.
Spear of Ice
d6+2 damage, Save each round or lose 1HP to the cold.
Chain mail of Agro 6AC
When given the choice, every opponent will choose to attack this character. When making NPC reaction checks, replace 'Unfriendly' results with 'Attacks'.
Unquenchable Lantern
This lantern burns continuously. When opening it's shutters there is a 1/6 chance that a 2HD Fire Sprite will emerge. If the lantern gets broken or if the 1/6 roll occurs on two consecutive uses, a 6HD pissed off Fire Elemental emerges from his small prison.
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