Movement and Encumbrance

Movement and Encumbrance

Each item carried fills a slot(s); heavier items may fill two slots while up to 200 small or insubstantial items (e.g., coins) may fill a single slot. There are a total of 25 slots, filling them with gear will reduce movement. Note that weapons and armour are not included in calculating encumbrance.

The first 5 equipment slots are "free"; carrying 0-5 pieces of gear has no effect on movement. Exceptional strength adds additional free slots based on strength bonus. Additional gear reduces movement by one category for every 5 slots filled. So, 6-10 items reduces by one category, 11-15 by two, 15-20 by three, and 21-25 by four, and 26-30 by five.

Armour reduces maximum movement based on type. Light armour (e.g. Cloth, leather) reduces movement by 10ft/rd, medium armour (e.g., chainmail) reduces movement by 20ft/rd, and heavy armour (e.g., Plate) reduces maximum movement by 30ft/rd or one whole move category.

For example, a human/elf wearing chainmail would have the following movement rates based on slots filled: 0-5 slots = MV 10*, 6-10 slots = MV 9, 11-15 slots = MV 6, 16-20 slots = MV 3, and 21-25 slots = MV 0. A similarly armoured dwarf would progress 7/7/6/3/0.

(h/t to various sources but especially James Raggi's LotFP)
